September 02, 2015

Tips for Parents on Back to School Transitions for Children
The importance of starting the school year off to a good start can make a difference for a child's attitude, confidence and performance from an academic and social perspective. Parents can help their children with the adjustment. Here are some tips for parents to help their child with the transition that can contribute creating a successful experience during the school year. Read Article
Source: National Association of School Psychologists
Work-Life Balance
It is important for each individual to create a work-life balance by making room in your life for your personal physical and mental health. So, make your well being a priority by maintaining a balance between your home and workplace. Here are 5 tips for creating a better work-life balance. Read More
Source: WebMD

May 23, 2015

Inactive Children 'Become Middle Aged Couch Potatoes'

A study conducted in Britain suggests that "Children who lead inactive lives are likely to grow up to become middle-aged couch potatoes".
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Source: BBC News


Bullying can lead to lasting psychological problems ... anxiety, depression, lower self-esttem and thoughts of suicide.
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Source: American Psychological Association